Pro Youth -seminaari: Honor related violence in the context of Jordan, Italy and Finland – Tools and practices
Kansainvälisen Pro Youth -hankkeen (2021–2023) päätösseminaari järjestetään
torstaina 4.5.2023 keskuskirjasto Oodissa, Helsingissä
Seminaarissa käsitellään kunniaan liittyvän väkivallan teemaa – luvassa on kotimaisten ja kansainvälisten asiantuntijoiden esityksiä, paneelikeskustelu sekä hankkeessa kehitettyjen materiaalien esittelyt. Materiaaleihin kuuluu manuaali ammattilaisille, mobiiliaplikaatio nuorille sekä koulutusmoduulit. Seminaari on suunnattu kunniaan liittyvän väkivallan teeman ja nuorten parissa työskenteleville ammattilaisille. Mukana mm. kansainvälisesti tunnustettu ihmisoikeusaktivisti ja journalisti Rana Al Hussainy sekä videon välityksellä esityksensä pitävä Luciana Esposito, joka on mafian kunniamurhiin perehtynyt italialainen journalisti.
Seminaari on englanninkielinen, maksuton ja kaikille avoin. Tervetuloa mukaan!
Preliminary Program (Subject to change):
8.45 Coffee
9.15 Opening words
Mimmi Koukkula, Senior expert at the Finnish institute of health and wellfare (THL)
9.25 Introduction of the partner NGOs :
Loisto setlementti: Henna Kolehmainen, Head of Focused Youth Work
Shannara Cooperative Sociale, Italy: Paola Schettini, Youth Worker
Arab Women Media Center, Jordan: Sana Al Emam, Project Manager
Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses: Anni Vuorela, Child & Youth Work Coordinator
9.45 What is honor related violence?
Johanna Aapakallio, Lead Specialist at Loisto
10.45 Pro Youth -project
Silja Havu, Child & Youth Work Developer, Finnish federation of Settlement Houses
10.45 Lunch Break
12.00 Panel Discussion: How honor and honor related violence presents itself in different countries?
Rana al Hussainy, Activist, Author, Senior Reporter, The Jordan times
Deborah di Francesco, Youth Worker, Italy
Aino, Specialist, Auralan Setlementti
13.15 A video presentation: Code of honor and honor killings: two cornerstones of mafia ideology
Luciana Esposito, Journalist, Italy
13.00 Break
13.45 Pro Youth -project
Silja Havu, Child & Youth Work Developer, Finnish federation of Settlement Houses
14.00 Project outputs
Manual: Sanja Sillanpää, Specialist, Loisto
Training modules: Sana Al Emam, Project Manager, Arab Women Media Center
App: Paola Schettini, Youth Worker, Shannara Cooperative Sociale
15.00 Questions & Ending words
Pro Youth -hanke on Erasmus-rahoitteinen kansainvälinen yhteistyö, jossa on mukana järjestöt Suomesta, Italiasta ja Jordaniasta. Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää tukea kunniaan liittyvää väkivaltaa kokeneille nuorille. Kohderyhmänä on sekä nuorten kanssa työskentelevät ammattilaiset, että väkivaltaa tai sen uhkaa kokevat nuoret.
Speaker & presentation depictions:
Mimmi Koukkula: Senior expert at the Finnish institute of health and wellfair (THL). Expert in the themes of honor related violence, sexual and reproductive health, female genital mutilation.
Paola Schettini: Youth Worker dealing mainly with EU projects in the youth field as Project Manager and Project Coordinator consolidating the Italian, European and the Euro-Med network. From 2011, she started working in depth on topics related to migration and intercultural dialogue within the Euro-Mediterranean area for promoting unaccompanied foreign minors’ empowerment and social inclusion.
Sana Al Emam: Sana Al-Emam is the Project Manager of the Arab Women Media Center (AWMC). She has experience in working and understanding of Jordan’s political and socio-economic contexts in the field of civil society development and good exposure to regional issues in regards to NGOs and CSOs, especially dealing with youth, good governance and gender issues.
Johanna Aapakallio is working as an Leading Specialist at Honor Related Violence work at Loisto Setlementti. She is experienced Lecturer with a strong practice work experience of intercultural communications and relations and honor related violence.
Luciana Esposito: Journalist born in 1984, lives in Cercola, on the border of Ponticelli, a district of Napoli city. In 2014 she founded, a perennial observatory on Camorra (mafia) dynamics in the eastern suburbs of Napoli. Despite the continuous and constant threats from the underworld clans, her work has never stopped.
Video: Code of honor and honor killings: two cornerstones of mafia ideology.
The code of honor is the Bible that regulates ideologies and behaviors within mafia organizations. A series of rigid and severe dogmas from which transpires the priority intransigence towards betrayal, in all its forms. To accommodate these criminal logics, the ”honor killing” has taken on the connotations of a real weapon to be drawn to punish betrayal in all its forms.
Deborah Di Francesco: Educator at shelter for women victim of violence; psychologist of relational and developmental processes; youth worker expert in the theatre methodology.
Sanja Sillanpää: works as an specialist in honor related violence work at Loisto Setlementti. She has both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the prevention work, crisis and conflict work, and long-term psychosocial support work among people facing honor related violence.
Rana Husseini The author of “Years of Struggle – The Women’s Movement in Jordan (2021) and “Murder in the Name of Honor (2009)”, a human rights activist and senior journalist writing for The Jordan Times. Husseini has focused on social issues for over 25 years with a special emphasis on violence against women, as well as the brutal crimes that are committed against Jordanian women in the name of family honor.
Pro Youth project’s final seminar “Honor related violence in the context of Jordan, Italy and Finland – Tools and practices” May 4th 2023 9 AM – 4 PM at Oodi Library, Helsinki
Pro Youth -seminar discusses questions such as what is honor related violence as a phenomenon and how it presents itself in various cultures and countries. The seminar offers tools and working methods to professionals to support young people affected by honor related violence or the threat of it. We present the various methods developed in the project: a manual and training models for professionals, and a phone app for young people as well as professionals. We are honored to have with us five international guest speakers from Italy and Jordan, sharing their knowledge and experience in this seminar.
The seminar is directed to professionals working with the youth.
Registration to the seminar: by Apr 21st..
The Pro Youth -project (2021-2023) is a strategic partnership project of Erasmus+ program, in which three partner countries are cooperating: Finland, Italy and Jordan. The Pro Youth -project develops working methods to support young people who are experiencing honor related violence or the threat of it. The target groups are the professionals and authorities working with the youth as well as the youth itself. The methods are developed for the use of professionals working with the youth, such as social workers, youth workers and the police. In addition, the project is creating a tool for the youth to find help and support easier than before, when they are facing honor-related conflict or violence.